LED iBond receives grant to develop LED infrastructure with EKTOS and other partners

LED iBond receives grant to develop LED infrastructure with EKTOS and other partners

The innovative lighting company LED iBond has along with their partners been granted 9,6 million DKK to develop a sustainable and flexible LED infrastructure solution for buildings and industrial applications. As LED iBond’s electronics partners, EKTOS is proud to be a part of the journey that lies ahead.


The grant supports the further development of LED iBond’s patented flagship technology called TRACY, an IoT-enabled LED panel for smart buildings and connected environments. TRACY can be customized to fit into almost any environment. The ability to easily separate the TRACY panels allows for simple integration of a wide range of electronics e.g. IoT sensors monitoring temperature, moisture, or movement, and USB ports and speakers. One of the visions of LED iBond is to create an open-source toolbox for developers of IoT devices to easily integrate their solutions with TRACY.

Tracy: An IoT-enabled LED panel for smart buildings and connected environments

The grant, offered by the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) by the Danish Energy Agency is a stamp of approval for LED iBond and their innovative and sustainable solutions. At EKTOS we are excited to continue the inspiring collaboration with LED iBond!

Learn more about Tracy here:

LED iBond modtager tilskud til at udvikle LED-infrastruktur med EKTOS og andre partnere

Det innovative belysningsfirma LED iBond har sammen med deres partnere fået tildelt 9,6 millioner kroner til at udvikle en bæredygtig og fleksibel LED-infrastrukturløsning til bygninger og industriel brug. Som LED iBonds elektronikpartner er EKTOS stolt over at være en del af den rejse, der ligger foran os.


Tilskuddet understøtter videreudviklingen af LED iBonds patenterede flagskibsteknologi kaldet Tracy, et IoT-aktiveret LED-panel til smarte bygninger og sammenkoblede miljøer. Tracy kan tilpasses, så det passer til næsten ethvert setup. Muligheden for let at adskille Tracy-panelerne muliggør enkel integration af en bred vifte af elektronik, f.eks. IoT-sensorer, der overvåger temperatur, fugt eller bevægelse, samt USB-porte og højttalere. En af LED iBonds visioner er at skabe en open source værktøjskasse til udviklere af IoT-enheder for let at integrere deres løsninger med Tracy.

Tracy: Et IoT-aktiveret LED-panel til smarte bygninger og sammenkoblede miljøer.

Bevillingen, der gives af Energistyrelsens tilskudsordning, Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (EUDP) er en blåstempling af LED iBond og deres innovative og bæredygtige løsninger. Hos EKTOS er vi glade for at fortsætte det inspirerende samarbejde med LED iBond!


Lær mere om Tracy her:

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