Environmental & Mechanical Testing to NATO standards

STANAG stands for Standardization Agreement, a type of NATO document that establishes common standards across the NATO member nations. Created to promote interoperability among NATO forces, STANAGs cover a wide range of areas, including equipment, operational procedures, logistics, and technical specifications. These agreements ensure that member nations can work together efficiently, especially in joint operations, by adhering to uniform standards.
EKTOS TRS can carry out environmental and mechanical testing that meets the requirements of key STANAGs.
For climatic and mechanical testing, STANAG 4370 is one of the most important NATO standards. It provides the framework for the environmental testing of defense materials, known as the Environmental Testing Program (AECTP). This standard is designed to ensure that military equipment can withstand a range of climatic and mechanical stresses in diverse operating environments.
Within STANAG 4370, the AECTP series are particularly relevant. Here’s an overview of some key parts that EKTOS is experienced in dealing with:
- AECTP-100: Environmental Guidelines for Defense Materiel – Provides overarching guidelines and requirements for the environmental compatibility of military equipment.
- AECTP-200: Environmental Conditions – Specifies the environmental conditions that defense equipment is expected to withstand. It includes detailed data on various climates, such as hot, cold, and humid environments, as well as altitude and salt exposure.
- AECTP-300: Climatic Tests – Details procedures for testing equipment under a range of climatic conditions, such as temperature extremes, humidity, solar radiation, and rain. This ensures that equipment can operate in diverse environments, from desert heat to arctic cold.
- AECTP-400: Mechanical Tests – Outlines the mechanical stress tests, such as shock, vibration, and impact testing, that equipment must endure. This section is critical for assessing an item’s durability in high-stress scenarios, including transportation and field use.
Learn more about STANAG standards here and contact EKTOS for more information.