Some 25 persons took a chance on visiting the accredited electronics test labs of EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services A/S in Copenhagen when doors stood open on Tuesday 4 September. From the impressive EMC chamber, through the climate room, with its variety of climate chambers, to the shaker room, where electronics can be simulated into bumpy roads and stormy seas, at low and high temperatures. Engineers and technicians answered questions on both technical issues and on EKTOS’ accreditation by DANAK.
In a seminar session, director Kennet Palm went in-depth on accredited testing and certifications, while director Niels Martin Jørgensen from the sister company EKTOS A/S talked about the development and prototyping services that this part of the company is offering. He also told the amazing story of how EKTOS some ten years ago started from scratch in Ukraine where the company has access to world-class engineers. Since then, EKTOS has been growing, on average, some 25 percent a year.