Intuitive security system for ships with TouchGFX

Olympia Electronics

Intuitive security system for ships with TouchGFX

May 29, 2021

With TouchGFX Olympia's alarm and security system became much easier to control and configure

Intuitive security system for ships with TouchGFX

Olympia Electronics is an established Greek supplier of alarm and security systems. For more than 40 years, they have been supplying alarm and security systems to various industries worldwide, including the marine industry. Olympia Electronics wanted to upgrade the user interface for their alarm and security systems on ships, and they invited EKTOS on board for the task. EKTOS joined the project with key resources for the TouchGFX implementation, while other parts of the product were developed by Olympia’s own developers.

Intuitive interface for configuration, service, and updating

Earlier versions of Olympia Electronics’ alarm and security system required PC connection for all the complex service and maintenance functionality, but the new version is based on the graphical system, TouchGFX. With TouchGFX, all functions in the security system can be accessed directly from the panel, and because the user interface is intuitive, the new system is much easier to control, configure, and to update.

Specialists in TouchGFX

EKTOS is an official implementation partner for ST Microelectronics and EKTOS and has implemented the TouchGFX solution in many projects since the early days of TouchGFX. EKTOS has therefore been a ”steady hand” during the development and implementation process in collaboration with Olympia Electronics. EKTOS has both helped Olympia define the graphical user interface and implemented the software in the system.

As a part of the collaboration with Olympia Electronics EKTOS has supported Olympia’s team in getting familiar with TouchGFX for them to manage future updates of the system independently.

An integrated approach to communication

“The collaboration has been really good. We had a really good communication with the project manager Sergii – we understood each other. It has been absolutely satisfying!” says Alexandros Tintinis, Embedded Systems Engineer at Olympia Electronics. The key to the successful collaboration between EKTOS and Olympia Electronics has, besides EKTOS’ process knowledge of development projects with TouchGFX, been clear and efficient communication throughout the project. During the project the right questions were asked at the right time and the tasks were efficiently allocated to the most suitable developers in either team.

The collaboration has been really good. We had a really good communication with the project manager Sergii – we understood each other. It has been absolutely satisfying! – Alexandros Tintinis, Embedded Systems Engineer at Olympia Electronics.

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Jesper Holst

Med TouchGFX blev Olympias alarm- og sikkerhedssystem nemmere at kontrollere og konfigurere

Olympia Electronics er en etableret græsk leverandør af alarm- og sikkerhedssystemer. I over 40 år har de leveret alarm- og sikkerhedssystemer til diverse industrier verden over heriblandt til anvendelse i marine-industrien. Til deres seneste produkt ønskede Olympia Electronics en mere intuitiv brugerflade til deres alarm- og sikkerhedssystemer til skibe, og til dette spurgte de EKTOS om hjælp. EKTOS indgik med nøgle-ressourcer i implementeringen af TouchGFX, mens andre dele af produktet blev udviklet af Olympias egne udviklere.

Intuitiv brugerflade: Konfiguration, service og opdatering samlet ét sted

Tidligere versioner af Olympia Electronics’ alarm- og sikkerhedssystem krævede PC-forbindelse til al kompleks service, men den nye version er baseret på det grafiske system, TouchGFX. Med TouchGFX kan alle funktioner i sikkerhedssystemet tilgås direkte fra panelet, og fordi brugerfladen er intuitiv, er det nye system langt nemmere at kontrollere, konfigurere og opdatere.

Specialister i TouchGFX

EKTOS er officiel implementeringspartner for ST Microelectronics, som står bag TouchGFX, og EKTOS har anvendt TouchGFX i mange projekter siden den første version. EKTOS har derfor været “en sikker hånd” for Olympia Electronics i implementeringen af deres nye alarm- og sikkerhedssystem. EKTOS har hjulpet Olympia både med af definere, hvordan den grafiske brugerflade skulle se ud og med at implementere softwaren i systemet.

Som en del af samarbejdet med Olympia Electronics har EKTOS hjulpet Olympias eget team med at forstå TouchGFX og systemets opbygning. På denne måde er det muligt for Olympias egne ingeniører at videreudvikle og opdatere systemet i fremtiden.

En integreret tilgang til kommunikation

“Samarbejdet har været virkelig godt. Vi havde virkelig god kommunikation med projeklederen Sergii – vi forstod hinanden. Det har været absolut tilfredsstillende!” siger Alexandros Tintinis, Embedded Systems Manager hos Olympia Electronics. Nøglen til det gode samarbejde mellem EKTOS og Olympia Electronics har, udover EKTOS’ proceskendskab til udviklingsprojekter med TouchGFX, været god og effektiv kommunikation hele vejen igennem projektet. Undervejs blev de rigtige spørgsmål stillet på de rigtige tidspunkter og opgaverne fordelt til de bedst egnede udviklere hos både Olympia og EKTOS.

Samarbejdet har været virkelig godt. Vi havde en virkelig god kommunikation med projeklederen Sergii – vi forstod hinanden. Det har været absolut tilfredsstillende! – Alexandros Tintinis, Embedded Systems Manager hos Olympia Electronics.

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