EKTOS is sponsoring the student rocket builders – DanStar

EKTOS is sponsoring the student rocket builders – DanStar

EKTOS is supporting a team of student rocket builders called the Danish Student Association for Rocketry (DanStar) from DTU Skylab with free prototypes and engineering services within electronics development and testing. The team is aiming to win the international student competition in New Mexico called Spaceport America Cup in June next year by designing and launching their rocket most accurately and elegantly.

It is a very interesting project for EKTOS to follow, and we are supporting and cheering for the DanStar team!

You can follow DanStar on Facebook if you are interested in updates on their progress.

EKTOS sponsorerer raketbyggerne fra DTU – DanStar

EKTOS støtter et team af studerende på DTU Skylab, Danish Student Association for Rocketry (DanStar), som er ved at bygge deres egen raket. DanStar-teamet sigter mod at vinde den internationale konkurrence for studerende i New Mexico, Spaceport America Cup, i juni næste år ved at designe og affyre deres raket mest præcist og elegant.

EKTOS støtter DanStar med gratis prototyper samt bistand til elektronikudvikling og test.

Det er et meget interessant projekt for EKTOS at følge, og vi hepper begejstret på DanStar-teamet!

Du kan følge DanStar på facebook, hvis du er interesseret i de nyeste opdateringer om projektet.

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